Statistical Analysis

An abundance of recent research at the work-unit level of analysis has provided a greater understanding of the relationships between employee attitudes, customer satisfaction and organizational performance. Prior to unit-level analyses, individual-level analyses between employee attitudes and job performance were attempted, but did not identify significant relationships. Although it seems to make intuitive sense that satisfied individuals are productive individuals, research did not support this relationship.

Many human resource managers are starting to analyze survey data in creative ways to provide direction over and above that afforded through traditional action planning techniques. For those who want to go beyond a summary of survey results, Stanard’s staff of industrial and organizational psychologists can help you understand your survey data at a deeper level. For instance, we can help clients understand the relationship between their employees’ attitudes and their customers’ attitudes, identifying key drivers in the work environment having the greatest impact on customer satisfaction. This has obvious implications for the bottom line. We can also pinpoint specific factors contributing to employees’ intent to leave the organization. Organizations are finally realizing the potential of linking their employees’ attitudes to important business outcomes. With the proper guidance, your existing survey data can be put to use in many meaningful ways.